Since Ⓒ 2001 Kingdom Inter-Missions Network -- "Networking & Partnering with Churches and Mission Organizations to Finish the Task of Global Kingdom Mission"
Partner Churches Network Organizations

2024 KIMNET Schedule

2024년 KIMNET 사역 일정


1. Inter-CP: Staff Conference북미주 사역자 컨퍼런스 (2월), Houston, TX USA

2. GSGM: (복음지원선교회/ 송상철 목사)  제3기 국제 전사반 온라인 세미나 (2월/13—3/12),  Alpharetta, GA USA

3. UBF: New Year Continental Conference (2/22-24), Los Angeles, CA USA

4. KIMNET 세계선교동역네트웍 중남미 선교 전략회의 및 선교사 리더쉽 개발 포럼 (5/14-17), Venue: Coral Costa Caribe Beach Resort Hotel, Santo Domingo, Domican Republic.

5. Midwest University:  Commencement & Pastoral Leadership Forum (5/ 21-26), Wentzville, MO USA

6. Inter-CP: Summer Missions Camp 북미주 선교캠프 (7월), LA, CA USA

7. KWMC: 제10차 한인세계선교대회 (7/8-11), 남가주 사랑의교회, Anaheim, CA USA

8. UBF: European Summer Bible Conference, (8/ 1 – 4), Prague, Czech Republic.

9. KIMNET 세계선교동역네트웍 KIMNET 총회 및 GAMNET 국제 이사회 Annual Meeting, [10/28(월) –30(수)], 은혜한인교회, Fullerton, CA USA


Ⓒ2024 Kingdom Inter-Missions Network -- "Networking & Partnering with Churches and Mission Organizations to Finish the Task of Global Kingdom Mission"
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